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50 Charming Color Photos Show Fashion Trend of the ‘50s Ladies_2Q

Women dressed “smartly’ in the fifties. The 1950s fashion women’s dresses were all about good grooming and a tailored look, these attributes were prized. Although never provocative 1950s women’s dresses could be very seductive. The skirt part of this dress…


These Colorful Images Will Give You a Glimpse Into Everyday Life of the United States in the 1950s_2Q

The United States in the 1950s experienced marked economic growth – with an increase in manufacturing and home construction amongst a post–World War II economic expansion. Accordingly, the 1950s in the United States are generally considered both socially conservative and…


Interesting Black and White Photos Capture Everyday Life of Teenagers in Florida During the 1950s_2Q

Florida is a state located in the southeastern region of the United States. It is bordered to the west by the Gulf of Mexico, to the north by Alabama and Georgia, to the east by the Atlantic Ocean, and to…


15 Fabulous Vintage Photos That Prove 1980s Was the Best Decade Ever!_2Q

Whether you grew up in the 1980s or not, there is no denying that there is just something about the decade that people can’t seem to get enough of. Perhaps it is the neon spandex, leg warmers, boomboxes, and big…


Marvelous Photographs of Young Women Working on Ski Resorts in Aspen in 1971_2Q

Most people’s notion of ski bum is a shiftless young male who spends most of his time searching for good powder, but the ski bums of Aspen, Colo. aren’t like that at all. They are prettier, for one thing, and…


Women Garage Attendants at Atlantic Refining Company Garages, Philadelphia, 1943_2Q

Petroleum refining is one of the most dominant industries in South Philadelphia. Atlantic Refining Company began business in 1866 as a storage facility but quickly expanded operations to include refining as the possible uses of petroleum were discovered. By 1882,…


30 Fascinating Snaps Capture Women at Beach in the 1950s_2Q

The post-war economic boom meant that people were not only spending more money they also wanted luxurious new styles. Flared dresses using oodles of fabric and fantastic hats and shoes were all extremely popular. This economic boom also resulted in…

From dogs to cats, rabbits to mice, aпd eveп wild creatυres, there is somethiпg υпdeпiably adorable aboυt them wheп they are yoυпg. Aпd the latest iпterпet seпsatioп iп the feliпe-loviпg world is пoпe other thaп a precioυs little kitteп пamed…

Unearthed snapshots reveal the iconic fusion of elegance and horsepower in ‘Ladies and Cars’ from the 1930s, showcasing the timeless allure of women’s fashion intertwined with automotive history. 🚗💃 #VintageFashion #AutomotiveElegance

What did women wear in the 1930s? Just check these glamorous found snapshots to see. Women’s Fashion in the 1930s Women’s Fashion in the 1930s Women’s Fashion in the 1930s Women’s Fashion in the 1930s Women’s Fashion in the 1930s…